PHYTunes Industrial Solutions
According to Deloitte Consulting, networked devices may reach “29.3 billion by 2023—more than three devices for every human being on the planet.” (Deloitte Consulting, 2020).
5G and Wi-Fi are not just about your phone, laptop, and tablets; they are transformational tools enabling new use cases to transform how we manage business and infrastructure. Automation and robotics, telehealth, and augmented reality all promise a unique opportunity for productivity.
“70 to 90% of carriers’ data traffic arises when subscribers are indoors.”
– GartnerGroup
Since the global COVID-19 pandemic began, industries have been forced to innovate and create new operational models for stay-at-home workers. And high-bandwidth connectivity has become a critical tool for digital transformation.
While numerous industries will benefit from “full 5G Inside” and Wi-Fi 6, accelerated demand for next-generation applications is driven by a few market segments taking the lead. These include healthcare, factories, manufacturing and MDUs.